Danubia Farias: In 2024 we will offer services for music and video games

Danubia Faras assumed the general management of Voxx Studios in 2022 and continued the renewal process of the company created by Andrei Zinca in Los Angeles. Part of that work is reflected in a new logo that they recently launched and gives an idea of the transformation they have undertaken.

“We are a company in continuous progress, with an international and creative team committed to telling stories in as many languages as possible” comments Farías. “The diversity of colors and the multiple ways of displaying our name reflect our personality as a new and growing company, with a diverse composition, a dynamic culture, and an open look at the future and its new technologies and markets”.

Behind the new image, a process of organizational integration has occurred, which has included the redefinition of roles and responsibilities, to give space to critical thinking and creativity of the team. They are applying standard operating procedures to be more efficient in terms of the use of resources and maintain a policy of continuous staff training.

“The implementation of new technologies is improving the quality of our products from the customer’s perspective. It should also be mentioned that we are digitizing the entire management and production process through an innovative platform, with this platform we can streamline communication between clients and suppliers, increase recording capacity, and offer more competitive prices and a more transparent process to our clients”, explains the executive.

The Voxx team has worked in more than 50 languages on six different continents and they believe they speak the language of creativity like no other dubbing studio. “We are not just voice actors, we are filmmakers, producers and actors who understand what other filmmakers, producers and actors are looking for when they want to tell their stories in languages other than their own”.

By 2024, Voxx Studios plans to continue expanding and even open offices outside of California, for which they already created last May an International Division headed by the Danish Steen Ingmann. They also plan to provide services for video games and music, for which they have designed a new studio for instrumental recordings, especially drums.

“The industry is in a challenging time, but our interest in staying up-to-date on AI and our multiple partnerships around the world are great assets for our company and, by extension, our clients”.

Flor Singer

Check the original article in Spanish here.

Danubia Farias: In 2024 we will offer services for music and video games

Danubia Faras assumed the general management of Voxx Studios in 2022 and continued the renewal process of the company created by Andrei Zinca in Los Angeles. Part of that work is reflected in a new logo that they recently launched and gives an idea of the transformation they have undertaken.

“We are a company in continuous progress, with an international and creative team committed to telling stories in as many languages as possible” comments Farías. “The diversity of colors and the multiple ways of displaying our name reflect our personality as a new and growing company, with a diverse composition, a dynamic culture, and an open look at the future and its new technologies and markets”.

Behind the new image, a process of organizational integration has occurred, which has included the redefinition of roles and responsibilities, to give space to critical thinking and creativity of the team. They are applying standard operating procedures to be more efficient in terms of the use of resources and maintain a policy of continuous staff training.

“The implementation of new technologies is improving the quality of our products from the customer’s perspective. It should also be mentioned that we are digitizing the entire management and production process through an innovative platform, with this platform we can streamline communication between clients and suppliers, increase recording capacity, and offer more competitive prices and a more transparent process to our clients”, explains the executive.

The Voxx team has worked in more than 50 languages on six different continents and they believe they speak the language of creativity like no other dubbing studio. “We are not just voice actors, we are filmmakers, producers and actors who understand what other filmmakers, producers and actors are looking for when they want to tell their stories in languages other than their own”.

By 2024, Voxx Studios plans to continue expanding and even open offices outside of California, for which they already created last May an International Division headed by the Danish Steen Ingmann. They also plan to provide services for video games and music, for which they have designed a new studio for instrumental recordings, especially drums.

“The industry is in a challenging time, but our interest in staying up-to-date on AI and our multiple partnerships around the world are great assets for our company and, by extension, our clients”.

Flor Singer

Check the original article in Spanish here.